Going Viral in One Day

How getting a few famous Twitter “friends” to spread the word helped out a good cause.

Sharing Large Files via Dropbox

Ever wonder how you can share a large file that’s too big to send via email? Dropbox is a handy way to share files and more.

Playing Around with Pinterest

In the world of social media, it seems there’s a new flavor-of-the-month that lasts for about, well, a month. Outside of stalwarts Facebook and Twitter, other services have cropped up and mostly languished. But Pinterest seems to be bucking that trend.

Post-PC World: Really?

While devices like the iPad are great, are they really going to replace your business PC?

Tips To Combat Website Neglect

Don’t let your website become just another neglected corner of cyberspace. Follow my tips for keeping your site looking fresh!

Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC