Converting Your Site to WordPress

There are many folks out there who still have an older HTML website. Then there are those who are stuck using an antiquated content management system (CMS) to run their site. They may want to make the switch to a more modern and well-supported platform for their online offerings, such as WordPress. But, how can that be accomplished?

Keeping Up with Old Times

As great new standards like HTML5 and CSS3 are implemented into the latest web browsers, and hardware technology makes things faster, I’m still held back by the guy using Internet Explorer 7 on a dial-up connection.

Simplify Your Website

Let’s face it: modern life is often hectic and complicated. Thus, anywhere you can find simplicity and transparency is greatly appreciated. A well thought out website is one way to give your customers a break.

Google’s SEO Focus Turning to Quality Content

As Google continues to tweak its algorithms, the sites that are simply trying to cheat the system with hundreds of useless keywords are going to plummet in the rankings. Make sure that yours isn’t one of them!

Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC