Focusing on Fonts

Tired of using Arial for your website? There’s a whole world of web fonts out there, just waiting for you to use them!

Building Members Only Areas of Your Site

Imagine what your organization could do with a customized Members Only Area! There are lots of features available and it costs less than you think.

Why You Can (And Should) Update Your Own Website

It used to be that you had to be quite the computer geek even to make simple updates to your website. You’d have to invest in expensive and complicated software like Dreamweaver. These days, free software like WordPress makes it cheaper and easier to accomplish some of the same tasks.

Why “Build It Yourself” Sites Don’t Work

To the average business person, the idea of building your own website with services like GoDaddy, etc. may sound tempting. After all, it’s often cheap and the commercials make it look as easy as pie. What could go wrong?

Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC