Eric’s Blog

Essay Featured on HeroPress

I’m thrilled to announce that an essay I’ve written, “Broadening My Horizons Through WordPress”, has been featured on HeroPress.

Gutenberg: A New Way to Edit Content in WordPress

Something big is happening in the world of WordPress. The popular content management system is completely remaking the way that we create and edit content.

European GDPR Has Data Privacy Consequences Worldwide

On May 25, 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will go into effect.

The New Normal: Running Your Site in SSL

New changes in browser technology, along with the old “safety first” philosophy, are compelling reasons to run your site in https.

Wrapping Up 2016

In the tradition of the old Christmas Letter (which my family never really did), I figure now is a good time to put a nice little ribbon on 2016.
Eric Karkovack Web Design Services, LLC